Thursday, January 25, 2007


I have recently come to realize that it is not easy for me to strike friendships with men my own age. I'd rather be with men who are older (by a decade or two) than I'm. Whereas when it comes to women, I don't have that problem. Perhaps it is the same "victim" mentality. But, I don't think so. There are other factors as well.

1. I'm more "mature" for my age in some respects. I don't really feel comfortable hanging out in bars and stuff like that. I'm not really big on outdoors-y things as a group.
2. I prefer smaller groups than bigger ones. I usually consider 2 a company and 3 a crowd. It is just the way I'm.
3. My topics of interest seem to be much different from what men my own age are interested in. I'm simply tired of listening to what does not appeal to me. It comes across as mindless chatter to me.
4. In no small measure, I'm a dork. It makes me uncomfortable in social situations in general. When hanging out with other men, especially of my own age, I find that this aspect of me is particularly uneasy on myself. Yes, I feel insecure in my social skills. Women seem to tolerate this better.

There might be cultural undercurrents that I'm not entirely aware of; However, I'm not going to hide behind them. Regardless, I thought I should mention this.

Something to ponder!

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